The Lazy Girl Updos

Everyone has experienced the nightmare of a bad hair day. Instead of reaching for the usual baseball cap, next time, look to this blog for some insight into some alternate styles that will have you convincing everyone that your hair is picture perfect. From fancy ponytails to pretty braids, this blog will have you ready to take on the day looking fabulous!

Sunshine and Summertime


With the temperatures rising and summer months rapidly approaching having healthy hair in the summer can be a little difficult. However there are a few tricks to keep your hair looking gorgeous in the hot summer months.

The sun’s rays are very damaging to our skin and as well as our hair. It is very important to protect your hair from the UV rays. These rays can break apart the pigment in your hair causing the color to fade faster and dry out the natural oils in your hair. The most effective way to prevent faded frizzy locks is to avoid sun exposure for any length of time. You can protect your hair with a umbrella on the beach or if you are felling trending a big floppy hat.

Since the June, July, and August are always the hottest months in the year, we tend to want to over wash our hair. We often feel sticky and sweaty more often than we do in other months, so you tend to wash your hair more often. Over shampooing can leave your tresses dry and brittle in addition to the sun naturally drying out your hair. Try to only wash your hair every two to three days, and use dry shampoo for in between.

Hydrating your hair is a key to a healthier head year round. Again the damaging UV rays will dry out your hair, so it is vital to hydrate your hair. Remember to drink the recommended 8 glasses of water daily. In addition to maintaining a healthy diet, treat your locks once a week to a moisturizing deep conditioning treatment. My favorite deep conditioner can be found here. There are many other conditioners that can also be found in drugstores.

Let it Grow

An average person has around 100,000 stands of hair and their average growth is one-half of an inch per month, according to Hairboutique.

Many women are always looking for an instant hair growth secret. To everyone’s dismay there is no miracle shampoo, lavish salon products or expensive hair gimmick vitamins that will give you long flowing locks immediately. The good news about growing long hair is that is it not very difficult.

The most crucial tip to growing your locks is to maintain healthy hair. There is no way to repair damaged hair, so in order for it to grow successfully you must start out with it being healthy. Bite your lip and snip away all the damaged, lifeless hair. It’s a bitter goodbye but without trimming off the split ends, your hair cannot possibly grow any long. If you leave your ends damaged, the more you style, use heat products, and color your hair the more fragile ends will continue to break off, thus making your hair shorter. According to you should trim your hair every 6 to 8 weeks. The regular haircuts will minimize hair breakage and maximize your growth potential.

Styling your hair can be very detrimental to the growth of your mane. Heated appliances like blow dryers, curling irons, hot rollers, flat irons and crimpers damage and dry out your hair. It is best to try to avoid styling with heat whenever you can. If you must blow dry, try to let it your hair dry until about 70% then you can use the blow dryer to finish it off. Always use a wide tooth comb when brushing through wet hair. If you use a regular hair brush you are more likely to tangle and pull out locks.

Perms, peroxide, and hair dye are ways that women severely damage their hair. If you are serious about growing your hair out, it is suggested to get rid of those habits. If you must color, use non peroxide color or 100% natural dye. Be sure to use a good shampoo and condition specially formulated to keep your color longer, which will result in less exposure to damaging chemicals in the end.

How you take care of your body is a direct result of how your body looks. This also goes along with hair. What you eat will effect your mane. With a well balanced diet, exercise and water your hair, skin and nails will appear healthier. Taking multivitamins can boost long locks. Vitamins that have folic acid, iron and other nutrients have been scientifically found to promote hair growth.